#MI_PBL - Training Information 2023

A Two Day #MI_PBL Facilitators' Training 2023

Idea of Need for Change:

In a typical teaching-learning setup, when asked "Why are you doing these activities or assignments?", if your students answer:

"Because the teacher told us to."

"Because we're doing a project about ______ (neighborhoods; the American Revolution; patterns; seasons; whatever)."

"If we don't do, our teacher will punish us."

"I don't know."

Then, there is a serious problem in the way, you lead the learning of students.


Solution: A Multiple Intelligence Based Project Based Learning #MI_PBL with a Driving Question that clearly states the purpose of the project, gives a focus to all the tasks students do, leads students to an inquiry process, and the the answer is at the heart of the project's culminating products and performances.

WHY: Because, almost all the programs, training, projects, methodologies, technologies, etc. which claim to reform education are of cosmetic nature – they just serve some touch ups!!! The major issue of teaching-learning has remained unchanged – teacher-centered, lecture-based and monotonous.

Because: All the efforts, whether by government, consulting firms, NGOs/INGOs, educational institutions and individuals, are mainly aimed at Reformation of Education but our education seriously needs Urgent Transformation. Through #MI_PBL, we can literally Transform the way to educate our young generation – totally flipped and upside down – experiential, progressive, engaged and deep learning of each unit/lesson within national curricular design and beyond.

The #MI_PBL Facilitators' Training Outline:

Day 1:

§  Session 1: Need for Real Education

      Motivation and Light Up

      Knowing Self and Unfolding Student Potentials

(Preparation to be a Yojakastatra (योजकस्तत्र), someone who knows the potential values of students)


§  Session 2: Multiple Intelligences

      Background of Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI)

      Understanding MI with Self-Awareness

      Administering general observation based MI Profiling

      Acquaintances on Paper-Pencil and Digital MI Test (online and app-based) alternative for profiling

      Claims and Educational Implication of MI in Teaching-Learning


§  Session 3: Study of Spotlight Projects from Global Classes


§  Session 4: Theoretical Understanding of PBL with MI Foundation

      Introduction to PBL

      Seven Essential Elements of PBL

      Seven Essential Elements of Gold Standard PBL

      Levels of MI PBL Integration

      Need for MI PBL

      PBL and transformation of life (Real-life and time-tested anecdontes)


Day 2:

§  Session 5: MI PBL Workshop in Process (Practical Simulation)

§  Session 6: Simulated Project Preparations, Presentations, Feedback and Redirection

(Certification: Optional)

KNOW THE SOURCE: The #MI_PBL, a Synergistic Amalgamation of Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Constructivism, Progressive Education and Project-Based Learning, developed by Mr. Singa Lama in Nepal, largely follows Dr. Howard Gardner's Harvard University Project Zero – Project Spectrum Modality of Multiple Intelligences, mingled with John Dewey's Progressive Education, Jean Piaget's Constructivism and standardized PBL System developed by Buck Institute for Education (BIE), USA.

Levels of #MI_PBL Training:

  1. Level 1: #MI_PBL Facilitators' Training
  2. Level 2: #MI_PBL Mentors' Training
  3. Level 3: #MI_PBL Master Mentors' Training

For Booking:

Call: 9841299271 (24 Hour Hotline)

Email: singa.lama@gmail.com 


  1. Very crucial package for us. How can I learn from you? Is it possible to deliver online mode?


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