
#MI_PBL - Transforming Education!!!

#MI_PBL - Training Information 2023

A Two Day #MI_PBL Facilitators' Training 2023 Idea of Need for Change: In a typical teaching-learning setup, when asked "Why are you doing these activities or assignments?", if your students answer: "Because the teacher told us to." "Because we're doing a project about ______ (neighborhoods; the American Revolution; patterns; seasons; whatever)." "If we don't do, our teacher will punish us." "I don't know." Then, there is a serious problem in the way, you lead the learning of students.   Solution: A Multiple Intelligence Based Project Based Learning #MI_PBL with a Driving Question that clearly states the purpose of the project, gives a focus to all the tasks students do, leads students to an inquiry process, and the the answer is at the heart of the project's culminating products and performances. WHY: Because, almost all the programs, training, projects, methodologies, technologies, etc. whi...

My TV Interview with ABC TV

I had a great time talking to Mr. Suresh Chumbak Adhikari , the presenter of EDU 360 Program at ABC Television Nepal . During the talk, I shared my views about the deviant course Education has taken and so losing its values - in contrary to society's common blames that the kids have taken wrong ways. I also share my experiences of crafting and executing Multiple Intelligences based Project-Based Learning #MI_PBL in different schools in Nepal and its possibilities of transforming education.  Please, do watch it and leave your comments. Thank you so much.

My Articles & Writings (हालसम्म प्रकाशित मेरा केही लेखहरु)

International Article: “Kaizening” PBL Practices With the Use of Multiple Intelligences An article published by Buck Institute for Education (BIE), USA eBook (International): Torture Free Teaching Environment (TFT e ) , published at TpT, USA: eBook Cover: TFT e National Media: के नेपाल मूर्खहरूकै देश हो? नयाँ पाठ्यक्रमको कक्षा ९ र १० को प्रस्तावित विशिष्टीकरण तालिका त्रुटीपूर्ण पब्जी र फ्रिफायरविरुद्ध सांसदको ब्याटल हिन्दू बाहुल्यताको देशमा एक असली ब्राम्हणको खोजी सँधैको एसईई खारेजी, हुने छ पूरै आत्मघाती ! लकडाउनको शल्यक्रिया र सुखद बिकल्प शिक्षामा संस्कार, नयाँ पुस्ताको वहिष्कार https://khaba...

SQC MasterTalk with Singa Lama

I had one of the great presentations in the first episode of QUEST-Nepal's SQC MasterTalk Series, organized for an in-depth discussion on SQC. The MasterTalk Series is based on the SQC Enlightening Videos created by the Father of SQC Prof. Dinesh P. Chapagain.  In this episode, I presented on 7 SQC Principles. Here is the video of the MasterTalk:

Master Uncut Full Video of TFTe National Webinar

 Dear Friends in Transforming Nepalese Education, Don't worry if you missed attending the National Webinar on TFTe - Torture Free Teaching Environment Framework . Here is the  Master Uncut Full Video of the webinar for you!!! Enjoy!!! Let's join hands to emancipate the educational spectrum from all forms of torture!!!

Certificates for TFTe National Webinar

Respected Participants , TFTe - Torture Free Teaching Environment National Webinar Kindly find your Certificate of Participation from the gallery below and download.  Make sure to download them soon - these will be deleted after a week. Thank you very much for your participation and encouragement. Regards, Singa Lama Propounder & Author,  TFTe Framework