#MI_PBL - Training Information 2023

A Two Day #MI_PBL Facilitators' Training 2023 Idea of Need for Change: In a typical teaching-learning setup, when asked "Why are you doing these activities or assignments?", if your students answer: "Because the teacher told us to." "Because we're doing a project about ______ (neighborhoods; the American Revolution; patterns; seasons; whatever)." "If we don't do, our teacher will punish us." "I don't know." Then, there is a serious problem in the way, you lead the learning of students. Solution: A Multiple Intelligence Based Project Based Learning #MI_PBL with a Driving Question that clearly states the purpose of the project, gives a focus to all the tasks students do, leads students to an inquiry process, and the the answer is at the heart of the project's culminating products and performances. WHY: Because, almost all the programs, training, projects, methodologies, technologies, etc. whi...